Vettai Naai (Tamil)
Watch Free Vettai Naai Tamil Movierulz Gomovies Movies Set against the backdrop of a village near Kodaikanal, Vettai Naai revolves around Sekar, a small-time rowdy, who seeks redemption post his marriage. How other rowdies and their leader who were waiting to pounce on him, utilises the situation which affects him and his wife forms the rest of the story. This done-to-death plot, which has some not-so-bad scenes, falters in execution as they appear staged despite the artistes trying their best.
Genres: Watch Tamil Movies
Actors: Namo Narayanan, R K Suresh, Rama, Ramki, Sona Nair, Subiksha, Surabi Jothimurugan, Vijith Saravanan
Director: Jai Shankar
Country: India